Monday, April 26, 2010

every year i start a new blogspot..and every year i forget.

with that being said...i've started to eat meat again although i'm sure my diet will remain mostly vegetarian. i'm trying to drink organic milk instead of soy or almond milk. i'm working out at least 4-5 times a week consistantly..i pay way too much to own a blackberry and will continue to since the only other phone i was costs just as much (i think)
my mind goes in at least 5 different directions at all times except when high (and i never am anymore) i wake up on average 5 times in an 8 hour period since i stopped..rather annoying. after 28 years of this i've come to the  i'll just never be one of those people that falls alseep and wakes up 8 hours later to some obnoxious alarm.'ve had to do some training..i don't really mind it, but at the same time i do..but i can't really expect people to read my mind.

5pm where are you??

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